1.支持多种编辑器:支持Markdown、Html、和其它多种文本编辑器; 2.易于搜索:可设置快捷键进行搜索,支持正则表达式搜索; 3.多个账户:可以管理多个账户,并可以自定义设置; 4.可定义笔记标签:可以使用标签来组织笔记,方便查找; 5.全文搜索:支持全文搜索,可以在整个笔记库中搜索文本; 6.数据同步:可以通过多种方式进行数据同步,包括Dropbox、Nextcloud等; 7.导出功能:可以通过PDF、HTML等格式导出笔记。
24.12.1 The build process was fixed for Qt below 5.10.0 (for #3171) The action Find note was renamed to Find text in notes and the action Find notes in all tags / subfolders was renamed to Find text in notes in all tags / subfolders and will now search for the selected text in the current note (for #3172) The action Find text in notes is now also present in the context menu of the note text edit when there is a selected text Added more Korean, Turkish, Dutch translation (thank you, venusgirl, brtc, stephanp)